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29,000 Cheaters Banned: Activision Cracks Down On Call Of Duty Warzone Boosting

Author: Franca Quarneti | March 26, 2024 05:43pm

Microsoft Corp.'s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Activision has taken a firm stance against the use of 'boosting services' in Call of Duty Warzone, threatening to ban any player found using them.

These services, which have become increasingly prevalent in recent weeks, involve creating 'boosting lobbies' where cheaters artificially inflate their Skill Rating (SR) to climb the ranks rapidly, IGN reported.

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The issue has become particularly pronounced in Warzone, with reports suggesting that the top of the leaderboards is rife with cheaters who have utilized these tactics.

In response, Activision's TeamRicochet has conducted multiple ban waves, resulting in 29,000 recent bans. In a statement, the company's TeamRicochet declared: “Artificially inflating SR won't be permitted. Accounts engaging in this behavior will be banned.”

Furthermore, Activision has pledged to combat the providers of these illicit services, stating: “We will consider all available technical and legal options for shutting these illicit services down.”

Meanwhile, Activision has recently launched Call of Duty Warzone Mobile, featuring cross-progression with Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone on other platforms but lacking cross-play. Season 3, coinciding with the launch of Rebirth Island on April 3, is also on the horizon.

Read Next: Activision Alerts Call of Duty Players: Anti-Cheat Tech Will Ban Aim Assist, Ranked Play Will Face Delays

Posted In: MSFT



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